Introduction to Carriage Driving
We are so excited to introduce this brand-new series of workshops!

These workshops were created by Tracy Raikes and will be hosted at Grey Horse Farm! They are great for beginner drivers OR as refresher courses for those with more experience.
The workshops have been designed with hands-on experience – a willing pony will be a model for all workshops!
Workshop sessions will take place in the barn or indoor arena, rain or shine! Plus, light refreshments will be provided!
There are 4 workshops total in this 2023 series, each offered on either a Saturday or Sunday. Each workshop session is limited to 5 attendees, allowing for even more hands-on experience and small group discussion. You are welcome to sign up for one workshop, all workshops, or any combination thereof.
The price per person for each 2-hour workshop is $10.
Please note that 100% of the funds raised through these workshops is being donated to Infinite Chance, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing educational opportunities to children in Guatemala - and a cause very near and dear to Tracy's heart.
Tracy proudly sits on the board of directors of Infinite Chance, and is excited to combine her passion of horses, education, and giving with this workshop series!

Please review the outline of each workshop below.
Again, space is limited, so we encourage you to reserve your spot soon!

In this workshop, we’ll cover all the basics when it comes to harnessing including:
Harness parts review for functionality, correct placement, adjustments, and safety
How to measure your equine for a harness
Hands-on harnessing for each participant
Bit review
Q and A session
Handouts and reference/resource materials will be provided.
Saturday April 15th 2pm-4pm – 5 spots available
Sunday April 16th 2pm-4pm – 5 spots available
In this section we will introduce the driving equine to basic ground driving challenges. We will cover:
Equipment used, voice commands and expectations
Steering challenges including corners, circles, and diagonal changes
Cones navigation
Tarp and bridge crossing challenges
Introduction to halt and standing exercises
Saturday May 6th 2pm-4pm – 5 spots available
Sunday May 7th 2pm-4pm – 5 spots available

We will build on Groundwork 101 in this section by introducing ‘pulling’ experiences. We will cover:
Equipment used, review of voice commands and expectations
Introducing the Tire / Drag – Correct set-up and hitch
Steering challenges with the Tire / Drag
Introducing the Travois – How to make it and hitch
Steering with the Travois
Review of Halt and Standing exercises with both the ‘pulling’ experiences
Saturday June 17th 2pm-4pm – 5 spots available
Sunday June 18th 2pm-4pm – 5 spots available
In this section we will take a closer look at different types of carts and carriages for beginner and intermediate drivers. This workshop will include:
Review and discussion of cart parts, functionality, and safety
Choosing the right size for your horse or pony
Hands-on look at the wooden cart VS the metal cart
Hitching demonstration- functionality, correct placement, adjustments, and safety
Hands-on hitching for each participant
Saturday July 1st 2pm-4pm – 5 spots available
Sunday July 2nd 2pm-4pm – 5 spots available